How To Clean a Bathroom

The bathroom is probably the room in my house with the most consistent need for cleaning, yet the one I would avoid cleaning the most. In this article, I’ll discuss how to clean a bathroom in a short time, with minimal supplies and a reasonable amount of effort.

First, like any other cleaning job I’ve discussed, I’ll first organize any clutter in the bathroom and then gather the necessary cleaning supplies. For this job, typically two sponges, some Ajax, some 409, some Windex and newspapers, and a bucket will do.

As we’ve discussed before, it’s important that I progress from top to bottom, so I’ll start with the ceiling and walls. Usually these aren’t overly dirty, but if they are I can use a damp sponge and some 409, wiping them down by hand. If there are cobwebs, then I’ll use the vacuum and the long hose to reach those.

The next how to clean a bathroom step I’ll clean the top of the shower stall with a sponge and 409, and move to the shower head itself. While this also can be cleaned with 409, Windex usually works better on polished metal. And, if the shower head is clogged and you have problems with water flow, you may need to take it off for its’ own thorough cleaning. The best way to do this is to soak the head itself in a bucket filled with a half-and-half solution of either bleach and water, or vinegar and water. Leave it in the solution overnight, thoroughly rinsing it out the next day. Most calcium deposits will dissolve in these solutions.

For the tub and sink, I’ll dust these inside with a light coating of Ajax. You don’t need to use very much Ajax, as it’s highly concentrated, and spreads over a large surface area when wet. I scrub for a minute or so, rinsing afterward with a bucket of warm water. Same goes for the toilet. I don’t use a specialized toilet cleaner, as Ajax works just fine. Most toilet brushes will reach where they need to, and a flush at the end finishes the job.

For the mirror, there is no better cleaning method than Windex and newspapers. Spray a thin coat of Windex over the mirror, wipe it off twice with newspaper, and marvel at why you never knew of this before. No streaks, no wiping marks, no nothing. This works perfectly every time.

The last how to clean a bathroom need to know step is for the floors. I’ll use some 409 solution in a bucket of warm water, and a sponge. Because my bathroom is fairly small, it’s easier to just get down on my hands and knees and do the wiping of the whole floor by hand. Not only does this not take very long, but I ensure that I can reach behind the toilet, between the tub and cabinet and I can cover every tile thoroughly. Yes, it takes some rather unpleasant work, but the results are worthwhile.

So, that’s how to clean a bathroom. With minimal expense, a small amount of supplies, and a reasonable amount of effort.